A downloadable Mod for Windows

CW// danganronpa 


fnf_vs_sky_she_is_a_minor_goodness_.zip 160 MB


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that was suspost to say getting freaky on a friday night yeah also i beat it and wtf is penut boyfreind


its a joke ending where like a 5 year old drew peanut boyfriend


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\__) (- |_ |_ | | )                                    



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|_   _ .  _|  _        _  .  _  |_  |_       _  _  |_  

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okay. this mod should be gone as gone and never return this is dum the hole fnf ppl worry about this hole mess

my  answer is why  did y'all talked about this mess but been know this was coming `1 just becuse some `12 year old girl or `13 girl want to have werid stuff with a 

unreal boy from some game is real if she want a boyfriend so bad she better go take dang self and go find one

if i every EVERY see this game i just wish i can have a ak47  and shoot it.

I was quite sure the mod had been taken down if I heard correctly? But apparently, you can still play the mod?

(1 edit)

The mod was taken down on Gamebanana, this submission is not on Gamebanana and was not uploaded by the original mod creator. 

Edit: the original mod is back up on GameBanana.

Deleted post

bc she's sky



how 2 download mod and play

(1 edit)

If you have a Windows (I recommend 7-10), do this. 

1. Click On The Download

2. At The Bottom Of The Screen, Press The .Zip File (After It's Done Loading). 

3. Wait For It To Open

4. Extract It

5. Open the "Funkin" file 

thx for making this mod my friend bc on GameBanana it got tash so thx



how do you port ( if you can explain)

If you want to port any of the mods I have on my page to another website/page, download any one you want to port, then put the file where you are supposed to add the file. 

hold up so i can port it to mac?

Not sure, if it doesn't work then play it on KBH games

ill try it then what do i download?

How did you port it anyways. KBH Games is just a browser version

I did Check It out https://thatblockboi.itch.io/fnf-sky-for-mac